Tel/Fax +43 1 9832038 or +43 664 3581603
Missindorfstrasse 14/9, 1140 Viena, Austria

A full day in Vienna

I am Lito, at the Airport with reception and shuttle service and invite you to a...

Full day tour with me through the city.

Wonderful experiences through the city.

Welcome to Vienna! Tourist prices for families and individuals.

It will be a full historical, cultural tour in and around Vienna.
With lunch, dinner and a Waltz concert.

Vienna in an unforgettable way!

Panoramic tour along the great boulevard Ringstrasse.

Photo 1

The Ringstrasse and Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna.

In a comfortable car, through which passengers enjoy a panoramic view of the modern and historical Vienna. On a circular route slowly along the monumental Ringstrasse.
Passing in front of historical buildings of Vienna's imperial past. Buildings with a lot of history and Lito explaining it during the tour.
Photo 2 The Vienna historical downtown

Explaining the lives of the personalities of Austrian history, such as the story of Sigmund Freud and passing in front of his museum. As well as the history of musicians like Franz Lehar
   Photo 3 Franz Lehar and Amadeus Mozart

the creator of the operetta the merry widow, Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart. They did of Vienna their second home-city, where they, create their most beautiful musical works.
  Photo 4

Ringstrasse and Danube Canal.

Driving along the canal and the main branch of the Danube, the second-longest river in Europe. Modern Vienna with the United Nations building and the tall buildings of modern Vienna and the
   Photo 5 The Danube Tower
Danube Tower. We will continue with a walk around and through the corridors of the Hundertwasserhaus.
   Photo 6 The Hundertwasser house.
The colourful architecture of the architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the man who stood out as an opponent of the "straight line" and devoted himself to the asymmetrical.
Thus expressing his concept in the field of design of houses, churches, thermal baths and public buildings without using straight line.
   Photo 7 Vienna, neighbourhood of the old University
End of the morning strolling through the heart of historic Vienna.

Photo 8/9

Saravia Lito, the tourist guide of Vienna, eating grilled Pork Knee, in a restaurant at the Danube riverside.

The Panoramic view of the Danube

Could be down town in a local restaurant with Viennese Schnitzel or grilled ribs in a restaurant with a panoramic view of the Danube.
In the afternoon:
  Photo 10 The City view from the Garden of the Belvedere Palace.
Walking through the Upper Belvedere garden and photographing the panorama of the city from above. Then continuing to Schönbrunn Photo 11 The garden of Schönbrunn and the Gloriette

walking through the garden, until you can photograph the garden and the city from the highest point of Gloriette.
At night:

Tour: Viennese waltz concert and Vienna bei night and dinner at a brewery.

After or before the concert, the dinner with a Viennese Schnitzel or Grilled chicken wings.

The concert will be, with one and a half hour of musical delight, in a luxurious hall of the palaces of Vienna. The called capital city of the music.

Photo 12  The Statue of Johann Strauss at the Stadtpark.
Where Johann Strauss, Mozart and other virtuosos offer an unforgettable musical evening. With the panoramic view of Vienna at night, we will finish the tour.
  Photo 13/14

The Ballet at the concert.

The Professional Waltz dancers couple.  
During the dinner with local music, we might be lucky enough to dance a waltz.
Reservations: Request a quote for the full or half day service.
I am vaccinated, Reservations: Only for vaccinated passengers.

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Booking: WhatsApp phone 00436643581603

Tourism edition dedicated to the whole world.